While coal trains are ultimately better for the environment than transit alternatives, the introduction of additional coal dust into the landscape raises concerns. Recent studies have inspired the development of environmentally-friendly products to treat the coal and equipment and reduce the negative impact of dust, helping the booming mining industry comply with emerging, stricter regulations
Whose Responsibility Is It to Maintain a Right-of-Way?
Maintaining a right-of-way for public access or utility companies is the duty of the land owner. Users of the property must also exercise due care restoring the land to its original state if damaged. Responsible parties should understand the elements of maintenance required, and the precautions they can take to avoid the harmful effects of soil erosion on their access-land.
Suppressing Dust on Gravel Roads
After much protest, the government of Newfoundland and Labrador will resume its dust control measures. Is this the start of change on a larger scale?
A Long and Bumpy Road: The Federal Highway Trust Fund’s Impending Gridlock
The looming U.S. Federal Highway Trust Fund fiscal crisis is threatening the safety and security of the nation’s transit infrastructure
Calculating the Costs of the Gravel Runway Life Cycle
Gravel runway life cycles can prove to be very costly, however there are ways to manage costs through life cycle assessments and certified techniques that can also extend these life cycles.