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Achieve Consistent Mine Tailings Management with Midwest

In Mine Tailings Management by Steve Vitale

Mining operations face some of the toughest challenges when it comes to dust control. Historically, particulate matter has been the culprit behind a slew of health and operational concerns. The introduction of regulations and standards in the 1890s marked the first steps toward a safer workplace, including ventilation and mask requirements. And as these standards continue to grow more stringent, …

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Concerns for Conveyor Belt Freezing Melt Away with Midwest

In Anti-Icing Deicing, Ice Free Conveyor® by Steve Vitale

At Midwest, we’re usually discussing the dangers and consequences of particulate matter for gravel runways, mining operations, construction sites, farms, and even residential roads. Though dust can pose a serious issue, winters bring a different threat in the form of ice. As temperatures drop, the specter of ice can cause complications like conveyor belt freezing, equipment damage, and buildup. Leaving …

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Midwest’s Rural Road Dust Control Revives Residential Community

In County Roads, Dust Control, Gravel Roads, Guided Self Apply Dust Control, Road & Surface Management, Roads, Unpaved Roads by Steve Vitale

When it comes to fugitive dust particles, most will likely assume it’s only an issue for heavy industrial and manufacturing applications. As the leaders in rural road dust control and soil stabilization methods though, we understand that loose particulate matter isn’t an isolated concern. Dust control touches every aspect of life — including rural roads within residential communities.  Over the …

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The Hidden Benefits of Stabilized Gravel Runways on Rural Air Mobility

In Air Travel, EK35®, Gravel Runway by Bob Vitale

Rural air mobility is essential for the remote communities and operations that exist in northern Canada and Alaska. In the same way many rely on highways, these localities depend on gravel runways to deliver necessities like food, pharmaceuticals, medical treatment, and emergency transportation.  After decades studying gravel runways and the needs for safe rural air mobility, Midwest developed SECUR®, a …

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Five Soil Stabilization Methods that Address Your #1 Concern

In County Roads, Gravel Roads, Gravel Runway, Soil Stabilization by Steve Vitale

Midwest believes in engineering soil stabilization methods that help you achieve safe, effective, and environmentally friendly road stabilization that achieves your operation’s top concerns. Our NaturalPave® Road Stabilization system is designed to increase the performance, strength, and longevity of unpaved roads. Applied to the upper four to six inches of a road’s surface, this solution stabilizes native or in-situ soils by …