Coal has fueled the rail industry in the USA for many decades. Many mining and power generation companies have even invested in their own infrastructure due to the importance of an uninterrupted supply-line of coal.
How Oil and Gas Producers are Investing in Road Systems
When existing infrastructure is not viable, oil and gas producers must invest in their own road, pipe or rail infrastructure.
The Powder River Basin Coal Saga: How Can It Be Rectified?
Extreme winter weather causes trouble in transporting coal from one of the United States’ largest coal deposits.
Improvements on North Dakota Road Dust Control Are Crucial
A crucial step to the development and coexistence of the oil industry and farming community is controlling dust from North Dakota’s roads.
Creating Oil and Gas Industry Regulation without the Burden
Regulations on oil and gas industries are necessary to ensure safety, environmental protection and smooth operations, but what are the impacts on production?