A large copper mine in Arizona was facing a critically insufficient water supply and maxed-out budget. That’s when Midwest stepped in to help.
Drone Airstrip Proposals Include Gravel Runways
The Yakima Army Training Center in Washington State is weighing several drone airstrip proposals, including some gravel runways.
Technology Needs a 50-Year Roadmap to Battle Climate Change, Part II: How Humans Move Forward
With recent initiatives like Google’s RE<C project to beat climate change failing to make any real impact, the U.S. government needs to put a much longer tech roadmap into practice. If you missed part I of Steve’s commentary, click here.
Midwest’s Dust Control Services Do Much More than Just Control Dust
The benefits of Midwest’s products and services go far beyond their reliability.
The Western Boom and the Future of Coal Mining
As mines are closing in Appalachia, production is increasing in the West.