Road construction and maintenance is a significant expense for any local government. When these efforts fall behind schedule due to insufficient state funding, the consequences might not be immediate, but they’re always serious.
Clean Air Act Could Make Trouble for Arizona’s Power Supply
Overregulation can kill any industry, and in the case of power generation, the consequences could affect millions. Could a whole state be left in the dark by harsh new federal regulations?
Idaho Prepares Legal Environment for Oil and Gas Industry
Idaho is gearing up to become an oil and gas-bearing state for the first time, now that hydraulic fracturing technology has made production possible. Although it’s a little late to the party, the state has been establishing carefully thought-out regulations to ensure that their long-awaited energy boom doesn’t backfire.
Cripple Creek’s New Project Could Bring Back Underground Mining
Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mining Co. hopes to strike it rich with a return to underground mining at Colorado’s largest gold mine.
Frac Sand Mining Will Transform Minnesota’s Economy
Although frac sand mining has the potential to revitalize Minnesota’s industrial economy, many have voiced concerns over environmental issues. But Midwest’s dust control solutions promise to keep everyone happy while bringing prosperity up north.