HD Mining’s Murray River Project, a proposed six million ton per year (6 Mtpa) metallurgical coal mine, would be Canada’s first longwall mine. It will target coal deposits between 1300 and 2600 feet deep and run underneath the Murray River, about eight miles southwest of Tumbler Ridge in the Canadian province of British Columbia.
Why Everyone Loses the Ongoing War on Coal
The goals laid out in the Clean Power Plan promise to be detrimental to the coal industry. Let’s look at how this vital source of energy is essential to the U.S. economy.
Why Are Airports So Fit for Fracking?
As an increasing number of airports are being explored for gas and oil, measures to ensure safety and environmental challenges are readily available.
Stamping out Dust on Helipads
Brownout–or obstruction of pilot vision by dust–threatens passenger and pilot safety. Dust control on helipads is crucial for safe operations.
How Access to Energy Improves Quality of Life
As emerging economies are turning into global players through their growing access to energy, a new middle class is rising. How are emerging markets redrawing their economic maps, and what can the U.S. do to help this trend?