As lawmakers have recently fought for control of fracking in the Lone Star state, let’s consider why — especially when it comes to fracking — you shouldn’t mess with Texas.
Oil Groups Butt Heads with Clean Coal Advocates Over Future of Carbon Emissions
Oil and gas producers have a bone to pick with “dirty” coal. Let’s discuss how both sides of the debate can offer real solutions to the issue of carbon emissions while encouraging economic prosperity across the energy sector.
CEO Fights Fracking Myths in Scotland
Weir Group CEO Keith Cochrane claims that “spin is beating science” in the national conversation on fracking. It’s time to set the record straight on the facts and fictions surrounding this hotly contested debate.
Idaho Prepares Legal Environment for Oil and Gas Industry
Idaho is gearing up to become an oil and gas-bearing state for the first time, now that hydraulic fracturing technology has made production possible. Although it’s a little late to the party, the state has been establishing carefully thought-out regulations to ensure that their long-awaited energy boom doesn’t backfire.
New Oil Rail Rules Present Obstacles for U.S and Canadian Rail
In the wake of some unfortunate incidents, legislators and companies alike are looking for ways to ensure maximum effectiveness and safety for the fuel transportation industry.