In the debate over sustainable energy, all sides should remember that oil is the lifeblood of the U.S. economy, as it fuels all business, literally and figuratively.
Technology Needs a 50-Year Roadmap to Battle Climate Change, Part I: A Man on the Moon and the Legacy of Innovation
Given last year’s news that Google abandoned its RE<C project to beat climate change, the U.S. government needs to put a much longer tech roadmap into practice.
The Shocking Number of People Without Access to Energy
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has stated in its latest World Energy Investment Outlook report that there are currently 1.3 billion people living without access to electricity. This is equivalent to 18% of the global population and 22% of those living in developing countries. Even more unfortunately, that number could remain as high as 1 billion people 20 years from …
Shale Gas Extraction Is Changing the Face of the American Energy Industry for the Better
The shale gas industry boom is changing the face of American energy production at home and worldwide. What are the implications of the shale renaissance?
How Much Energy Does the World Need?
For some time now I’ve been greatly concerned with the global population’s rapidly growing energy needs and our present failures to meet them. Then I stumbled across this fascinating new video on Extract, the World Coal Association’s official blog, and my concerns only deepened.