Brownout–or obstruction of pilot vision by dust–threatens passenger and pilot safety. Dust control on helipads is crucial for safe operations.
How Access to Energy Improves Quality of Life
As emerging economies are turning into global players through their growing access to energy, a new middle class is rising. How are emerging markets redrawing their economic maps, and what can the U.S. do to help this trend?
Preparing the Coal and Utility Industries for Winter Weather
Rails aren’t the only things that need protecting this winter; these products will allow mining companies to protect their coal plant equipment from the freezing conditions.
The Natural Gas Extraction Industry Is Boosting Sand Mining
Shale gas fracking in the a sand-hungry enterprise, and as of late it has been driving demand for high quality sand through the roof. But the health effects of respirable crystalline silica cannot be ignored.
Better Solutions for Unpaved Roads
For one small town in Colorado, dust generated by dirt roads is a huge problem. Midwest offers solutions for dealing with dust on a budget.