Recent studies suggest that electric cars produce just as much particulate pollution as their diesel counterparts.
How a Solar Farm and Proper Dust Control Can Help Eliminate the Largest Source of PM10 Dust in the US
Dried up Owens Lake may soon be getting a solar panel makeover that could mitigate its notorious dust problem while providing sustainable energy to Los Angeles.
When Paving Isn’t the Most Cost-Effective Solution for Roads
In small communities across the country, infrastructure investments and an unconsidered desire to pave are undoing the appealing aesthetic of unpaved roads. Here, we champion the potential benefits of preserving our treasured country roads.
California’s Rough Roads Are a Bad Deal for Citizens
Despite having some of the highest transportation taxes in the U.S., California also has some of the country’s worst roads. And yet, the future of their roadways may not be so bleak.
The Origins of America’s Good Roads Movement
The Good Roads movement brought to light the true value of high-quality roads in promoting the health, economic development, and interconnectedness of the United States.