From hybrid cars to phones and camera lenses, the electronic elements of just about everything we use everyday require rare earth metals (REMs), a limited resource in the United States.
Why the Future of Mining Might Be In Outer Space
With commercial ventures like Virgin looking to the stars, the beginnings of a full-scale space tourism industry are emerging. Asteroid mining is being explored as a fuel source for our interstellar wanderlust, and it may become a reality in the not-too-distant future.
World’s Top 10 Up-and-Coming Gold Mines
Despite the frequent fluctuations in the gold market, gold prices have risen to historic heights. In turn, gold mining has become an even more profitable endeavor. So which mines should investors keep their eyes on?
Gold Is Bouncing Back and Mines Are Taking Note
The last few years has seen a dip in the price of gold, but all that is changing. From mine operations to the stock market, gold is making a comeback.
New Gold Mine in Alaska Possible
Donlin Gold has applied for permits to mine gold along the Kuskokwim River in Alaska, 10 miles from the town of Crooked Creek. The valuable mine will be a major boost for the local economy and will help fuel our ever-growing consumption of gold.