Power lines belonging to a utility provider based in Southern California ran through a protected dune system in Nipomo and Lompoc, and the company needed a stable path to access and clean them. Midwest was able to create an access road that could bear the load of heavy vehicles without impacting the dunes and the wildlife that inhabited them.
5 Amazing Gravel Trails for Bicycling Adventures
For the most adventurous bike riders, only gravel trails will do.
Road Development and Maintenance Is Crucial for Developing Nations
Repairing and building new unpaved roadways can alleviate health issues and greatly improve quality of life in developing nations.
How Unpaved Roads Can Protect Vulnerable Ecosystems
How can engineers build safe roadways without impacting vulnerable ecosystems?
Event Center Roads: From Disintegrating to Durable, Thanks to GreenPave
The Santa Maria Event Center was dissatisfied with its entrance roads, which had become vulnerable to inclement weather and impeded traffic. The center reached out to Midwest, which was able to transform the roads into robust, pavement-like surfaces with GreenPave®.