There’s more to operating a gravel pit than meets the eye.
Rare Earth Mining in the Developing World
Rare metals (or rare earth) mining is an essential industry in today’s global economy. With its products used in everything from tech gadgets to energy-producing wind turbines, many up-and-coming countries want to get in on the game.
Soil-Sement® Is the Best Coal Sealant on the Market, No Matter Your Application Method
When it comes to the coal industry, Midwest’s Soil-Sement is the most environmentally safe, effective sealant on the market.
Gold Extraction: A Complicated Process for a Vital Metal
Gold is one of the most sought after metals in the world — but getting to it is never as easy as just finding a nugget in the dirt.
From the Mine to the Mint: How American Coins Are Made
From the mine to the mint to your wallet, U.S. coins travel quite the distance.