Background. Winter freezing causes the surface at mine tailing disposal sites to freeze dry, which makes it a source of fugitive dust.
Chronic Dust and Surface Maintenance Problems Solved at an Intermodal Facility
Background. An intermodal yard was plagued by chronic wind-blown dust, the result of the daily cycling of yard tractors, forklifts, and container-handling equipment.
Intermediate Cover of Landfill Alternative – Alternative Intermediate Cover Provided at a Residual Waste Landfill
Background. Industrial companies, such as steel mills, produce large amounts of daily waste from their manufacturing processes that is taken to landfills for disposal.
The Growth of the Global Middle Class
Powered by the domestic coal industry’s explosive growth throughout the 20th century, the United States’ ascent to superpower status within the global economy raised its citizens’ quality of life to a higher standard. Based on this model, we can safely assert that a renewed focus on raising energy production will similarly lift the world’s impoverished peoples out of a collective …
Resort Dust Control Solution – Meeting the Dust Control Needs of a Resort Community
Background. Visitors paying high rates to stay at a resort community are not willing to tolerate dust on their vehicles or themselves. A resort in the state of Washington had been relying on a lignin product to control dust on its roadways and parking areas in an environmentally safe way.