Drivers in Finland are still dealing with the fallout from a harsh spring thaw, which inflicted major damage on its extensive network of unpaved roads.
The Navajo Nation’s Unpaved Roads Are in Serious Need of Maintenance
In the American Southwest, a lengthy struggle to adequately maintain unpaved roads has led one community to ask federal officials for much-needed support. At just over 17 million acres, the Navajo Nation Reservation is the largest in the United States. While its landscapes offer incomparable views, its transportation infrastructure leaves something to be desired.
How Much Does It Cost to Maintain a Mile of Road?
Roads are everywhere — but how much do they cost to maintain? When people think of the country’s roadway infrastructure, they usually think of the construction of shiny new thoroughfares like roads, bridges, and highways funded by government dollars and built on the promise of major economic benefits to local areas.
Wind Power Capacity Rises by 40% in First Quarter of 2018
The wind industry is kicking into high gear after a massive first quarter that saw development rise 40% year-over-year.
Elderly Couple Leading Effort to Repair Auckland’s Unpaved Roads
After struggling with the effects of fugitive road dust, this New Zealand couple is leading the charge to repair the local town’s unpaved roads.