Midwest’s Rural Road Dust Control Revives Residential Community

Midwest’s Rural Road Dust Control Revives Residential Community

In County Roads, Dust Control, Gravel Roads, Guided Self Apply Dust Control, Road & Surface Management, Roads, Unpaved Roads by Steve Vitale

When it comes to fugitive dust particles, most will likely assume it’s only an issue for heavy industrial and manufacturing applications. As the leaders in rural road dust control and soil stabilization methods though, we understand that loose particulate matter isn’t an isolated concern. Dust control touches every aspect of life — including rural roads within residential communities. 

Over the years, we’ve helped a number of neighborhoods and villages across the globe improve their quality of life by eliminating the specter of dust while improving the quality of their roadways. Most recently, we assisted the a North Central Kentucky community after unrestrained dust particles and destructive rural road dust control alternatives diminished residents’ abilities to enjoy their homes.

With our Guided Self Apply® Dust Control Program, Midwest was able to meet the specific needs of residents, reign in fugitive dust, and restore community through the power of science-based rural road dust control.

Welcome Home

A realty company began developing the community in the 1960s. Its main feature is a manmade body of water, measuring at approximately 255 acres with 14 miles of shoreline. The lake attracts an abundance of wildlife, including deer, turkeys, ducks, geese, fox, beavers, otters, eagles, and others. 

The area was looking for a rural road dust control solution for its 17 miles of gravel roadways that interconnect the property’s 1,300 lots.

While these roadways were meant to connect the community, fugitive dust made them more of a hindrance than a help. The disruption of particles from everyday traffic, mixed with natural weathering, and a looser material made for an easily destabilized and weakened aggregate. Besides the structural integrity of the roads, the excessive dust, and no suitable rural road dust control method, also prevented residents from opening their windows for a fresh breeze or even grilling outside.

The residential area attempted to confront its dust issues with a myriad of solutions, but each one only had even greater consequences. For example, after using lignin, the community experienced a disruption in the oxygen levels of its water, causing a larger BOD/COD issue that ultimately killed aquatic life. In another attempt, soybean oil was applied to its gravel roads. Instead of rural road dust control and stabilization, it exacerbated the roads’ deterioration with massive rutting as well as oil residue that easily adhered to residents’ cars and boats. 

Guided Self Apply Rural Road Dust Control Program delivers residential reprieve 

With these experiences mounting, rural road dust control started to feel like an impossible task for the community. That’s when the its board approached Midwest to explore a new option for alleviating dust for its homeowners. 

Midwest understands there’s no universal fit when it comes to dust control, whether for large-scale mining operations or rural neighborhoods. After evaluating the community’s history and needs, we recommended our Guided Self Apply Rural Road Dust Control Program, a system that could be customized to their native soils and activity level without unforeseen repercussions like harm to wildlife or damages to property and equipment. 

The Dynamic Duo: EnviroKleen and the 1500 Portable Sprayer System

Though the Guided Self Apply system can be tailored to every situation and operation, the rural road dust control method’s effectiveness lies the balance between the solution, EnviroKleen®, and its thorough application process using our 1500 Portable Sprayer System. 

EnviroKleen, a Synthetic Organic Dust Control product®, is a patented solution that locks fine particles to your aggregate’s surface using a two-part system. In its first segment, it uses a synthetic carrier fluid that penetrates 2 – 3 inches into the surface. The solution evenly distributes into the layers while adhering to individual particles for effective and complete rural road dust control. 

The second part of EnviroKleen is the binding agent, KleenBinder®. This large and highly branched molecule easily intertwines with other molecules to form a complex bind matrix for optimal adhesion and a high viscosity. 

By sticking firmly to the aggregate’s surface, EnviroKleen also eliminates run-off, making it an eco-friendly and safe solution. Its effectiveness subsequently helps you conserve water and energy and reduce pollution. Besides rural road dust control and environmental protections, EnviroKleen can double the life of roads through its stabilization properties that increase the road’s stiffness.

The Guided Self Apply Program also relies on the 1500 Portable Sprayer unit to deliver easy, yet meticulous applications. As one of our E-Sprayer® dust-control systems, this unit offers maximum versatility and mobility for applying your rural road dust control. Users simply place the unit on a light duty truck and begin dispersing product in minutes with the 8’ attached sprayer bar.

To learn why a personalized approach is the most effective dust control method, check out our article, “What is the most effective dust control?”, where we take a deeper look at the technique behind our Guided Self Apply Program.

Introducing Rural Road Dust Control 

Once it was determined that a Guided Self Apply program would offer the best dust control, Midwest began collaborating with the community to develop the right solution suited for its environment and needs. 

Applications to the 17 mile stretch of gravel roads began in the spring of 2024. The initial application of the dust control involved applying two totes of solution over a one mile portion of the road to the dam. A month later, a third and fourth tote were applied to the same surface. Then, an additional four miles of roadway received two totes of treatment for every mile.  

Following the initial applications, the Midwest team revisited the site to ensure the system worked. Noticing virtually no fugitive emissions from the treated one mile segment, the Midwest team easily determined the proper amount of solution the community needed for proper dust control. 

Take back your home with Midwest

With the remainder of the treatment underway, this Kentucky community is already experiencing a positive transformation. With over 85% less airborne dust and a solution with no negative side effects, residents can now enjoy their properties without potential damage to their health, property, and even wildlife.

This case study not only proves Guided Self Apply as a rural road dust control solution that fulfills customer needs. It’s also a testament to Midwest’s ability to surpass them. Whether it’s customized programs, or another of Midwest’s dust control and soil stabilization solutions, our science-based approach allows us to develop innovative technologies that target fugitive dust at the molecular level for a complete and lasting solution. Contact us today to start customizing a rural road dust control program that works for your community.