Experts say the future of metal mining looks bright, despite the recent drop in metal and precious mineral prices over the past few years.
Cripple Creek’s New Project Could Bring Back Underground Mining
Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mining Co. hopes to strike it rich with a return to underground mining at Colorado’s largest gold mine.
Frac Sand Mining Will Transform Minnesota’s Economy
Although frac sand mining has the potential to revitalize Minnesota’s industrial economy, many have voiced concerns over environmental issues. But Midwest’s dust control solutions promise to keep everyone happy while bringing prosperity up north.
World Coal Association Calls for Increased Investment in Clean Coal
The World Coal Association recently called for investment in clean coal technologies. How can implementing these changes decrease CO2 emissions, modernize the industry, and increase its efficiency?
Coal Is on the Up in Wyoming
The coal mining industry had seen a decline in production and employment starting in 2010, but in a turn of events, the rising need for coal caused output to rise again in 2014, with employment following suit.