Resort Dust Control Solution – Meeting the Dust Control Needs of a Resort Community

Resort Dust Control Solution – Meeting the Dust Control Needs of a Resort Community

In Dust Control, Soil-Sement® by Steve Vitale



Visitors paying high rates to stay at a resort community are not willing to tolerate dust on their vehicles or themselves. A resort in the state of Washington had been relying on a lignin product to control dust on its roadways and parking areas in an environmentally safe way.


Although environmentally safe, the lignin product had a strong disagreeable odor, was sticky, tracked into the resort members’ RV’s, and leached through the soil so rapidly that it only provided short-term dust control.


The resort switched to Soil-Sement which is environmentally safe, odor-free, non tracking, and will not wash away or leach out of the surface. The solution met the high-standards of the high-end property, creating a dust-free, natural looking surface.