Pond Slope Stabilization Problem Resolved at Nuclear Generating Station

Pond Slope Stabilization Problem Resolved at Nuclear Generating Station

In Energy, Soil Stabilization, Soil-Sement® by Steve Vitale



Water storage ponds at nuclear power generating stations are treated to maintain the stability of the stations’ chillers.


Excess wave action in an 80-acre water storage pond at one nuclear power generating station, along with the pond’s age and size, destabilized the pond’s slopes. The ground beneath the pond’s polyethylene liner was eroding, and water had begun to penetrate the liner to the ground below.


Midwest removed a section of the liner as well as the contaminated soil beneath it. We treated the replacement soil with Soil-Sement®, an erosion-controlling agent, graded the soil into place, and compacted it to prevent future destabilization beneath the liner. With the soil stabilized, we replaced the section of the liner that removed and stabilize the pond slope. Soil-Sement increases both the compressive strength and the R-Value of treated soil.