Dust Control on Haul Roads – Costly Equipment Maintenance Controlled on Steel Mill Haul Roads
Background. 150-Ton Slab Haulers working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week had major ongoing problems with dust, rough potholed roads, and high equipment maintenance and labor costs. Haul roads were being graded every day and water was applied continuously.
The Growth of the Global Middle Class
Powered by the domestic coal industry’s explosive growth throughout the 20th century, the United States’ ascent to superpower status within the global economy raised its citizens’ quality of life to a higher standard. Based on this model, we can safely assert that a renewed focus on raising energy production will similarly lift the world’s impoverished peoples out of a collective …
Chronic Dust and Surface Maintenance Problems Solved at an Intermodal Facility
Background. An intermodal yard was plagued by chronic wind-blown dust, the result of the daily cycling of yard tractors, forklifts, and container-handling equipment.
Mine Road Maintenance Programs Solve Potholing, Rutting and Washboarding
Background. Road improvements were needed on 11.5 miles of county owned roadways leading to a new mine site in order for the mining operation to obtain the required operating permit.