The Hidden Benefits of Stabilized Gravel Runways on Rural Air Mobility

The Hidden Benefits of Stabilized Gravel Runways on Rural Air Mobility

In Air Travel, EK35®, Gravel Runway by Bob Vitale

Rural air mobility is essential for the remote communities and operations that exist in northern Canada and Alaska. In the same way many rely on highways, these localities depend on gravel runways to deliver necessities like food, pharmaceuticals, medical treatment, and emergency transportation. 

After decades studying gravel runways and the needs for safe rural air mobility, Midwest developed SECUR®, a stabilization system that penetrates the upper 4 to 6” of aggregate with our patented EK35® solution. The synthetic liquid transforms from a viscous liquid into a waxy solid to create a stabilized foundation. This unique chemical reaction locks particulate matter and fines to the surface, leaving the runway in an “as constructed” state. 

Though its primary purpose is stabilization, SECUR goes the extra mile. Carefully engineered down to the molecular level, this specialty system delivers several hidden benefits that help you achieve safer, enhanced rural air mobility. 

Stay solid every season — rain, shine … or snow

The first difficulty with stabilizing these remote travel lines is the extreme weather. For the most part, precipitation like snow and ice have proven to be very beneficial to gravel runways. As snow descends to the surface, it quickly freezes within the many small pockets of the loose fines, creating a natural fortification within the aggregate as it solidifies into one solid, sturdy surface. 

The challenge for rural air mobility actually stems from constant freeze/thaw cycles. As water fills the aggregate, it expands the surface area. Upon melting, these pockets remain enlarged, but empty. These hollow crevices destabilize gravel runways and aggravating the presence of fine particles. We took a deep dive on the effects of freeze/thaw cycles in our previous article,Water is the Enemy of Gravel Runway Surface Maintenance”.

In tandem, noticeable changes in climate have created longer summers and shorter winters. While this new pattern may reduce the number of freeze/thaw cycles, it also limits rural air mobility with a narrower the window of time where runways are frozen solid. Instead, they are left softer and weaker for longer, making freight and travel more tedious and less efficient. 

SECUR alleviates the mounting pressure of these uncontrollable forces by providing a stabilized runway  through rain, shine, or snow — even in spite of changes in local climate. Midwest incorporates a special chemical agent that limits moisture penetration into underlying layers. This component eliminates the  effects of freeze/thaw on rural air mobility. 

Simultaneously, SECUR’s core stabilization properties harden the surface to prevent softening through the summer months. This dual approach elevates your gravel runway with weather resistant properties that make for secure rural air mobility through every season.

Protect your aviation equipment and your rural air mobility

One of the primary concerns many pilots and aviation companies experience with gravel runways is aircraft damage. Often, rural air mobility requires smaller planes that can be nimbler on these delicate air strips. At the same time, these smaller vessels are much more susceptible to engine impairments, propeller damage, and body disfigurement as a result of loose gravel and particulate matter that are disturbed with every take-off and landing.

Another obstacle to rural air mobility is the shift in the materials used to build the aircraft. Many aviation manufacturers have started to move away from models built explicitly for use on gravel runways. Composite has also become a popular material with newer aircraft, making these models especially vulnerable to FOD. The trend has heightened the need for strong landing strips to handle a diverse range of aircraft that can land safely and without heavy damages. 

Just as SECUR can equip runways for any season, it can also preserve rural air mobility by increasing the adaptability of runways to other external forces like aircraft designs. As the EK35 solution distributes into the runway, it binds to every individual FOD to form a sturdy surface. With particles glued down to the aggregate, SECUR eliminates concern for fugitive dust and gravel, preventing the potential destruction of aircraft while accommodating a wide range of models.

Exceptional performance with less maintenance 

Alternative stabilization and dust control solutions often require regular maintenance to sustain optimal conditions for rural air mobility. The frequency of these sessions can range anywhere from several times a year to multiple times a day, depending on your industry and environment.

When you consider the brutal conditions of these remote runways, the need for constant maintenance multiples. Besides weather, these airstrips also experience regular deterioration from aircraft activity that displaces fine particles due to the wind force of the propellers. Regular heavy freight loads also contribute to breakdown by bringing added stress to the surface. And yet, these isolated areas lack access to the equipment necessary for regular rural air mobility maintenance.

Even so, SECUR system accounts for all of these needs. Utilizing Midwest’s stabilization system not only provides a plethora of benefits like dust control, weather resistance, and aircraft protection, but it also preserves these added benefits for long-term performance that can last several years. With less maintenance and impressive longevity, you not only save time and expense, but also guarantee your runway can perform for safe rural air mobility when you need it.

Let Midwest make a difference in your rural air mobility

SECUR, like all of Midwest’s products, surpasses standard stabilization and dust control. With one product, we can not only stabilize your gravel runway, but make it entirely weather resistant to the natural forces of your environment. Complete adherence of fine particles to the surface will also protect any aircraft from damage while guaranteeing safe take-offs and landings. SECUR also maintains its high-performance value for years at a time, meaning you never have to worry about maintenance or dwindling service-life for your rural air mobility.  

So, how does Midwest apply all of these hidden benefits to your gravel runway in just one stabilization system?

We understand that effective stabilization requires a personalized approach. It means understanding your existing soil composition, the health of your gravel runway, and your surrounding environment. We utilize a complete geotechnical laboratory to test every runway before building any treatment program. These tests evaluate the finest characteristics like particle size distribution, bearing capacity, and more to determine the right EK35 treatment for your rural air mobility.

Though our technical skill and focus on science-based research has led us to create the most successful products on the market, it’s our determination and our commitment to meeting customer needs that have propelled us to formulate full-bodied approaches like our SECUR stabilization method. If you want to experience more than short-term security, it’s time to partner with Midwest. Contact us today to learn more about the hidden benefits of stabilized gravel runways on your rural air mobility. 

Check out Midwest’s inclusion in Business View Magazine’s article, “Supporting the Future of Northern Canada’s Aviation Infrastructure.

Bob is founder and CEO of Midwest Industrial Supply.