Achieve Consistent Mine Tailings Management with Midwest

Achieve Consistent Mine Tailings Management with Midwest

In Mine Tailings Management by Steve Vitale

Mining operations face some of the toughest challenges when it comes to dust control. Historically, particulate matter has been the culprit behind a slew of health and operational concerns. The introduction of regulations and standards in the 1890s marked the first steps toward a safer workplace, including ventilation and mask requirements. And as these standards continue to grow more stringent, mines are considering new approaches to effective mine tailings management strategies.

Many mines, including the ones discussed in our mine tailings case studies, are always looking for ways to make their fines maintenance more effective, cost-efficient, and seamless. At Midwest Industrial Supply, we unlock the power of molecular science to formulate dust control solutions that can target the specific needs of mine tailings. 

One Southwestern Copper Mine Needed a Solution

While all mines must enact some level of fines preservation, open-pit mines tend to face more pervasive dust issues compared to underground mines.  Still a challenge, dust from underground mine operations can be contained within the walls of a site. As open-source environments though, open-pit mines allow particulate matter to diffuse freely over larger areas of land, making it more difficult to find effective mine tailings management programs.

Facing repeated regulatory violations for insufficient dust control of its mine tailings, one open-pit copper mine in the southwestern United States was looking for a more consistent solution.

Previously, the open pit mine was utilizing magnesium chloride (MgCl), which was providing insufficient results and adverse consequences. To start, the magnesium chloride could not withstand adverse weather, particularly wind, making for an unreliable performance. 

The application process was also resource intensive. Achieving an adequate level of dust control required the copper mine to utilize more than 4,000 liters of magnesium chloride per hectare. As a result, the mining operation spent significant hours, labor, equipment, and transportation resources for its mine tailings management. 

Along with inconsistent results and an inefficient application process, the magnesium chloride created another adverse consequence — equipment corrosion. Over time, the solution’s caustic properties started to degrade the spraying equipment, which also led to increased maintenance costs and downtime.

As the balancing act continued and regulatory violations piled up, the copper mine began looking for a solution that could provide dependable and environmentally friendly mine tailings management. After partnering with Midwest, the mine soon discovered its ideal alternative — Soil Sement Engineered Formula (SSEF)®

The Science of Soil-Sement Engineered Formula®

Part of our NaturalPave Soil Stabilization System®, the Soil-Sement Engineered Formula® is a polymer emulsion designed to stabilize surfaces and subgrades. The solution penetrates between seven to 25 centimeters deep to form an impenetrable, durable, and stabilized surface with superior compression strength. 

Our team of scientists approach dust control and mine tailings management at the molecular level. By using nanotechnology, this proprietary formula maximizes control of particulate matter. The result is an advanced chemical bond that increases load-bearing strength while locking dust down to the surface.

Besides its molecular advantages, Soil-Sement is easily installed regardless of the native soils or ongoing weather conditions. It’s short cure time, water resistance, and long life cycle make it an efficient and effective dust control alternative. In addition, our dust control solutions pose no risk to local vegetation, soil, water, or wildlife. Our commitment to environmentally friendly products is backed by extensive third-party testing, including certifications from the US EPA Environmental Technology Verification, California Environmental Technology Certification (Cal-Cert), and California Air Resources Board (CARB).

Implementing Midwest’s Mine Tailings Management 

When it comes to implementing solutions like Soil-Sement, Midwest doesn’t just deliver high-quality products. We engineer comprehensive customized programs that ensure effective results. 

In the case of the copper mine, we took a phased approach that started with small-scale trials. Using a few hectares of product, we applied Soil-Sement to several areas of the site and assessed its performance. After noticing positive results, the solution was applied across all active mine tailing acres. 

Once the mine tailings management program was approved, Midwest trained the copper mine’s personnel how to successfully apply the solution themselves. Equipment that was previously used for the magnesium chloride treatment was then calibrated and optimized for spraying Soil Sement across larger areas. 

The Results Speak For Themselves

The transition to a Soil-Sement-based program delivered immediate performance, efficiency, and sustainability improvements. Now, the copper mine could stabilize its mine tailings with using only 285 liters of its new dust control product, replacing the 4,175 hectares of magnesium chloride used previously. 

Besides product usage, Soil-Sement also improved operational efficiency. Rather than a constant stream of deliveries to maintain its mine tailings management, the mine only needed a truck to deliver its Midwest product every 18,927 liters. The fewer transportation costs, lower fuel consumption, and minimal labor resulted in instant cost-savings.

Along with an enhanced application process, the copper mine experienced a consistent and reliable dust control with its new Soil-Sement program, even in extreme weather conditions. The improved program immediately eliminated the potential for more regulatory violations as a result. 

Soil Sement also prevented equipment corrosion, adding to the savings and expanding the lifespan of the equipment. The copper mine’s increased confidence in its mine tailings management even prompted an investment in equipment and storage facilities dedicated to the new system. 

By partnering with Midwest, this copper mine in the southwestern United States was able to revolutionize its mine tailings management. Not only did the operation overcome its dust control challenges, but was also able to enhance other factors like its sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and environmental responsibility. If you’re looking for mine tailing management that delivers the full-package, look no further than Midwest and our line of science-backed products. Contact us today to learn how Soil-Sement can improve your mine.